2.2 Symbols

2.2.1 Actions and action effects:

Fji——characteristic value of horizontal earthquake action of the mass point i under the vibration mode j

Fek——characteristic value of total horizontal earthquake action of structure;

Fi——characteristic value of horizontal earthquake action of mass point i

Fn——additional horizontal earthquake action on the top;

GiGj——representative value of gravity loads concentrating on mass point i and j respectively;

Geq——representative value of equivalent total gravity loads of structure(equipment);

SE——earthquake action effect(bending moment,axial force,shearing force,stress and deformation);

S——fundamental combination of earthquake action effect and other load effects;

SK——effect of characteristic action and load;

SEK——effect of characteristic horizontal earthquake action;

Sj——horizontal earthquake action effect under the vibration mode j

M——bending moment;

N——axial force;

V——shear force induced by earthquake action.

2.2.2 Resistance and material performance:

Ec——elastic modulus of ceramic bushing;

Kce——bending-resistance rigidity of ceramic bushing;

R——design bearing capacity of structure(equipment)members;

K——rigidity of structure(equipment)members;

σtot——total stress induced by earthquake action and other loads;

σv——failure stress of equipment or material.

2.2.3 Geometrical parameters:

H0——height of gravity center of electrical facility system;

h——height of calculated section from the bottom;

HiHj——effective height at mass points i and j respectively;

hc——height of cementing between ceramic bushing and flange;

Ic——inertia moment of section;

dc——outer diameter of ceramic bushing at the cementing position;

Lc——length of beam;

te——clearance between flange and ceramic bushing.

2.2.4 Calculation coefficients:

ζ——damping ratio of structure;

γ——attenuation coefficient;

η1——adjustment factor of the slope of the linearly declining section in the curve of seismic influence coefficient;

η2——adjustment factor of damping;

γRE——adjustment factor of seismic bearing capacity;

α——horizontal seismic influence coefficient;

αmax——maximum value of the horizontal seismic influence coefficient(the value when the period T=0.0.40αmax corresponds to a dynamic magnification factor of rigid structure of 0).

2.2.5 Others:

ao——design basic acceleration of ground motion;

g——gravitational acceleration;

a——horizontal acceleration of ground motion time history;

as——maximum horizontal acceleration of ground motion time history;

T——natural period of vibration of system(structure);

f——fundamental frequency of system(structure)in the test direction;

Tg——characteristic period;

TP——time interval between sine beats;

Xji——relative horizontal displacement of mass point i in X direction under the vibration mode j

Yji——relative horizontal displacement of mass point i in Y direction under the vibration mode j.