Checking your development setup

In this section, we will go through the development workflow and write code step-by-step to ensure the environment is correctly set up to start developing and running MERN applications.

We will generate these project files in the following folder structure to run a simple setup project:

| mern-simplesetup/
| -- client/
| --- HelloWorld.js
| --- main.js
| -- server/
| --- devBundle.js
| --- server.js
| -- .babelrc
| -- nodemon.json
| -- package.json
| -- template.js
| -- webpack.config.client.js
| -- webpack.config.client.production.js
| -- webpack.config.server.js

The code discussed in this section is available on GitHub in the repository at: You can clone this code and run it as you go through the code explanations in the rest of this chapter.