Edit interactions
Throughout all of our examples, we have had the capability of using interactive filtering. We know that almost everything we see inside a visual can be selected, and it will affect all the other visuals within that same report page. This behavior can be altered though, and there will be situations where you do not want a specific visual to be filtered by any others. The way we can control this is through an option called Edit Interactions, which can be found under the Format ribbon when a visual is selected. When you select the Edit Interactions button, you will see new icons for all of the other visuals that are currently not selected, as seen in figure 5-21. In this example, I have the Pie Chart selected and I can now decide if any of the other visuals will be affected by interactive filtering from the Pie Chart. The two primary icons are a funnel which lets us know that the visual will be filtered, and then a circle with a line through it designates that it will not be filtered. Occasionally, there will be an icon that looks like a pie chart, which we can see for the Stacked Column Chart. This means that the visual will be filtered by highlighting the filtered portion, as shown in Figure 5-21. This option is something that you will have to do for each individual visual: