Participants' roles and capabilities

There are six categories of participants in our scenario: which are exporter, importer, exporter's bank, importer's bank, carrier, and regulatory authority. The terms in this set refer to the roles an entity can assume in a trade deal; for example, a company exporting goods in one instance may be an importer in another. The capabilities and restrictions of each role are also detailed in the following list:

  • Only an importer may apply for an L/C
  • Only an importer's bank may supply an L/C
  • Only an exporter's bank may accept an L/C
  • Only an exporter may request an E/L
  • Only a regulatory authority may supply an E/L
  • Only an exporter may prepare a shipment
  • Only a carrier may supply a B/L
  • Only a carrier may update a shipment location
  • Only an importer's bank may send money, and only an exporter's bank may receive money