- Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly
- Rick Battagline
- 258字
- 2021-06-24 13:41:13
Compiling collider.html
The command we use to compile our collider.html file is similar to our compile command in the last chapter. We will need to add a new collider.cpp file into the command line, but other than that it should be the same. Here is the command you use to compile collider.html:
em++ main.cpp collider.cpp ship.cpp enemy_ship.cpp player_ship.cpp projectile.cpp projectile_pool.cpp -std=c++17 --preload-file sprites -s USE_WEBGL2=1 -s USE_SDL=2 -s USE_SDL_IMAGE=2 -s SDL2_IMAGE_FORMATS=["png"] -o collider.html
Now that we have collider.html compiled, we can serve it from our web server of choice, or run it with emrun, and load it into a web browser. Here is what it looks like:

I did not take a screenshot of the entire browser as I have in previous screenshots of the game because I wanted to zoom in on the player ship destroying the enemy ship. As you can see, we now have colliders that can detect when a projectile collides with a spaceship and can destroy that spaceship when the collision happens by running an explosion animation.