What this book covers

Chapter 1, Scoping, Plotting, and Metering, examines basic built-in scoping, plotting, and the metering of waveforms, signals, and numerical datasets in Supercollider. In this chapter, we will discuss how to visualize numerical datasets, signals, and functions; how to scope waveforms and spectra in real time; how to monitor audio levels and numerical data; and how to implement more complex and nonstandard visualizers using various built-in GUI elements.

Chapter 2, Waveform Synthesis, elaborates various waveform synthesis techniques, with emphasis on the visual, rather than acoustic, aspects of audio. In this chapter, we will discuss waveform synthesis fundamentals and learn how to generate custom and good-looking (in any subjective way) waveforms based on a series of techniques.

Chapter 3, Synthesizing Spectra, is similar in spirit to the Chapter 2, Waveform Synthesis, yet it deals with spectra rather than with waveforms. In this chapter, we will focus on the visual aspects of audio spectra and learn to synthesize custom and good-looking (again in any subjective way) spectra using a variety of both time-domain and frequency-domain techniques.

Chapter 4, Vector Graphics, deals with vector graphics and discusses both fundamental theoretical concepts as well as how to create static drawings of arbitrary complexity in SuperCollider using a wide range of techniques. Color, matrix operations, as well as complex visual structures such as particle systems and fractals are discussed. In this chapter, we will also discuss object modeling with Event and the factory design pattern.

Chapter 5, Animation, elaborates on video animation. Therein, we will demonstrate how to implement different kinds of motion, how to create trailing effects, as well as how to animate complex visual structures and systems. We will also introduce ourselves with more advanced techniques, such as emulating environmental forces and real-life systems or designing articulated bodies using kinematics.

Chapter 6, Data Acquisition and Mapping, explains how arbitrary real-world numerical data can be retrieved, accessed, processed, and used in SuperCollider, This chapter elaborates on machine listening (that is, how to extract information out of audio signals) and discusses basic mappings and encodings.

Chapter 7, Advanced Visualizers, elaborates on a series of advanced examples wherein audio and data are visualized/sonified in various ways. The examples range from trailing waveforms and spectrogram implementations to more imaginative ones featuring kinematic structures, fractals, and particle systems.

Chapter 8, Intelligent Encodings and Automata, serves as an introduction to more advanced topics such as statistical analysis, textual parsing, advanced encodings, neural networks, and cellular automata. Therein we will also discuss a possible implementation of the famous game of life automaton.

Chapter 9, Design Patterns and Methodologies, discusses software architecture and explains how certain design patterns and methodologies can be used by programmers and computer scientists to solve certain recurring problems. Starting with the requirements for a quite complex generative project, we will proceed step-by-step, designing and materializing it in an efficient and conceptually understandable way.