5)ECG parameter measurement (Fig.1-13) 心电图参数测量(图1-13)

Fig.1-13 Normal ECG waves and intervals

图1-3 正常心电图波形及间期

P wave

Sequential depolarization of the right and left atria and it represents atrial activation. Normally,P wave is usually upright in Ⅰ , Ⅱ , and aVF, negative in aVR, and variable in Ⅲ , aVL.

a) Duration < 0.12s

b) Voltage<0.25mV

c) Frontal plane P wave axis: 0° to +75°



a) 时间:<0.12s

b) 电压:<0.25mV

c) 电轴方向:0°~+75°

P-R interval

It is measured from the beginning of P wave to the beginning of QRS complex in the frontal plane, and represents time required for a supraventricular impulse to depolarize the atria, traverse the AV node, and activate the ventricle. Normally P-R interval is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds. If P-R interval is longer than 0.20 seconds, first degree AV block should be considered.



QRS complex

The normal QRS complex represents the simultaneous activation of the right and left ventricles.The first downward wave is the Q wave, and the first upward wave after the Q wave is the R wave,then the downward wave after the R wave is the S wave. Normal QRS duration is shorter than 0.11 seconds. Small r waves begin in V1 or V2 and increase in size up to V5 in precordial leads. The RV6 is usually smaller than RV5. In V3 or V4, the amplitude of R wave is about the same as S wave.



ST segment

The isoelectric segment is from the end of the QRS complex to the beginning of the T wave,representing phase 2 (the plateau) of the myocardialaction potentials. It represents the time from depolarization to preceding ventricular repolarization. Depression of the ST segment by 0.05mV from the baseline is abnormal and elevation of the ST segment by 0.1mV from the baseline is abnormal,except V1-V3.



T wave

The T wave represents ventricular repolarization. The direction of normal T wave is consistent with QRS wave. T wave in Ⅰ , Ⅱ , V4-V6 leads is usually upright. T wave in aVR lead is usually inverted. T wave in Ⅲ, aVL, aVF, V1-V3 lead might be upright or inverted or bidirectional. If T wave in V1 lead is upright, then that in V2~V6 lead should not be inverted.



QT interval

It is from the beginning of QRS complex to the end of T wave. It represents the time of ventricular depolarization and repolarization. QT interval is usually 0.32s to 0.44s in normal heart rate.



U wave

It is the low and flat wave at 0.02-0.04s after T wave, which direction is consistent with T wave.Normally it’s not obvious.



Parameter measurement 参数测量

The most basic measurement parameters include heart rate (HR), P wave duration, P-R (PQ) interval, QRS complex duration, Q-T / Q-Tc / QTd interval, average P, R, T axis, and so on.Millivolts (mV) is the unit of amplitude, and it can be replaced by millimeter (mm) in special cases,represented with 10mm/mV. A standard ECG is printed at 25mm per second or 25 small squares per second. The duration of individual waves can be calculated.


Standardization of ECG measurement (Fig.1-14)

At present, single-channel ECG machines are still used by the majority of domestic medical institutions. To trace an electrocardiogram, we always switch 12 leads manually. The analysis of ECG parameters measured by just one lead is outdating, and also has certain deviations compared with the actual situation. It is not optimal to achieve standardization ECG measurement by this way. Therefore the production and use of single-channel ECG machines should be replaced by synchronous 12-leads ECG machines gradually.



Fig.1-14 Measurement of single-lead ECG

图1-14 单导心电图的测量方法

The P wave duration:It is from the origination to the end point in the inner edge of P wave.

P-R interval: It is from the starting point of P wave to the starting point of QRS.

QRS duration: It is from the starting point of Q wave to the end point of R (s) wave.

Q-T interval: It is from the QRS starting point to the end of T wave. The single-lead ECG can only be completed on the same lead.





Measure time 时间测量

P wave duration

The P wave duration may be not same in different leads, and it’s more accurate if measured by synchronous 12-leads or the quadrature ECG. As the spatial P ring was parallel to the frontal plane, the P wave in limb leads is clearer than the chest leads. P wave duration should be measured from the starting point of the earliest P wave to the end point of the latest P wave. The widest P wave should be selected form easurement in 12 leads.



P-R interval

P-R interval can be variable in different leads. The accurate P-R interval should be measured from the earliest P wave to the earliest QRS starting point in the 12-lead synchronous recording.It is recommended to use a combination of X, Y, Z leads or similar orthogonal bodies in 3-lead electrocardiographs such as Ⅰ , aVF, V1; Ⅲ , aVR, V2; Ⅲ , V1, V4 or Ⅰ , Ⅱ , Ⅲ leads. P-R intervals should be recorded in a lead of single-channel ECG including wide P wave and Q wave.



QRS intervals

Correct measurements should be made in 12-lead synchronized ECG, from the starting point of the earliest QRS to the endpoint of the latest QRS. The diagnostic criterion for Q wave in myocardial infarction is based on single-channel ECG. Thus, equipotential line may be included in abnormal Q waves and narrow the Q wave width. The ECG Standardization Working Group of European Community recommends that the original Q wave measurement definition (excluding the equipotential time) are not abandoned until the new diagnostic criteria are established. The widest QRS in 12 leads of single channel ECG should be selected for measurement.



Q-T interval / QTd time

Q-T interval is measured from the earliest QRS starting point to the latest T wave end point in 12-lead synchronous ECG. In the single lead, V2 or V3 is recommended for measurement. We should record the longest Q-T interval, excluding U wave. Q-Td: the longest Q-T interval minus the shortest Q-T interval, and its unit is millisecond(ms).



Amplitude measurement 振幅测量

P wave

We should record the P wave amplitude in a lead with the highest amplitude of P wave. The horizontal line before the starting of P wave is used as reference. The forward P wave is measured vertically from the edge of the P wave basis to the peak, and the negative P wave is measured from the P wave baseline to the bottom of the wave vertically.



Measurement of P wave terminal forcein V1 lead (PTFV1) (Fig.1-15)

PTFV1 represents the P wave terminal force in V1 lead, which is the product of the negative P wave depth (mm) and the width (s). Add a negative sign in the result of product, and the unit is -mm·s.The absolute value of PTFV1 is increased when it’s abnormal.



Fig.1-15 Measurement of PTFV1

图1-15 PTFV1的测量方法

A: Solution of measurement when P wave starting point is on the same level with P-R segment.

B, C: Solution of measurement when the P-R segment shifts upward or downward.


QRS, ST-T measurements

QRS origin is used as the reference when measuring QRS complex, J-point, ST-segment,T wave, and U wave amplitude. If the QRS origin is an oblique segment (affected by delta wave,atrial repolarization wave, etc.), QRS complex origin point should be used as reference. The reasons were as follows: ⅰ. It should not be changed when heart rate or other conditions changing,otherwise it will increase measurement differences. ⅱ. There is better reproducibility when using QRS starting point as reference. ⅲ. The concept that T-P segment represents zero potential is a misunderstanding. ⅳ. QRS origin has been used as reference for treadmill electrocardiogram and the body surface measurement methods for many years, so the concept that T-P segment and the P-R segment are the baseline references should be abolished.

The forward R (R′) was measured vertically from the upper edge of the QRS to the peak of R wave, and the negative waves (Q, S, QS) are measured vertically from the lower edge of the QRS starting edge to the bottom of R wave.

There is no single standard for measuring ST segment. When the ST segment horizontally declined, the amplitude of ST segment should be the distance between the ST segment level and QRS originvertically. When the shift of ST segment was upward or downward, the ST segment should be measured at 40, 60 or 80ms after the point J. ST40, ST60, ST80 represent the degree and shape of ST segment shift.

The forward T wave is measured perpendicularly from the upper edge of the reference level to the peak of T wave, and the negative wave (Q,S,QS) is measured vertically from the lower edge of the reference horizontal line to the bottom.

Measurement of U wave is the same as T wave.







Fig.1-16 Measurement of ST segment shift

图1-16 ST段移位的测量

A: Measured amplitude of ST segment when it is elevated. B: Measured amplitude of ST segment when it declined. C: When heart rate increased,T wave and P wave overlapped, T-P segment disappeared, PR segment downward shifted, J point depressed, ST segment upward shifted. The line between the origins of two continuous Q wave was regarded as an equipotential line. Thus the decline degree of J point and ST segment could be measured based on this line.
