- 常春藤英语 四级·上(常春藤英语系列)
- 聂成军总主编 毛筠主编
- 559字
- 2020-08-30 03:06:15
Lesson 14 The Prince and the Spider

1、Years upon years ago, a prince, who had barely escaped with his life from the battlefield, fled with one faithful servant,to hide himself from his enemies.
2、He was faint with hunger, yet he dared not enter a house.
3、At last they came to a cave in the woods. “Let us hide here,” said the servant.“Perhaps we shall in this way escape from our enemies.”
4、“And yet I have no hope,” said the prince, “for hate will sharpen their eyes.”
5、“Do not fear, my master,” said the faithful servant. “God will send his angels to watch over thee.”
6、Early in the morning, the hidden men heard steps approaching the cave. Two men came near, who were indeed seeking for the prince.
7、“Here is a cave,” cried one, “he may be hiding here!”
8、“Oh, no!” cried the other. “Have you no eyes? Do you not see that spider’s web stretched across the mouth of the cave? It is unbroken, and tells us that no one has entered.”
9、The men went on their way, and the prince was safe. For truly, a little spider had woven her web during the night, and stretched the gauzy curtain across the door of the cave.
10、“See, my master,” said the servant, “the spider was sent to deliver us out of the hands of our enemies.”
(236 words)
Ⅰ. How well do you read?
1. [Check the details] Where did the prince hide himself?
A. At a house. B. In a cave. C. On the battlefield.
2. [Check the details] Who was the angle to watch over the prince?
A. The enemy. B. The servant. C. The spider.
3. [Check the details] When did the spider wove her web?
A. Early in the morning. B. At night. C. At noon.
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or phrases.
1. Years upon years ago, a prince who hid himself from his enemies. (Para. 1, line 4)
A. 朋友 B. 敌人 C. 盟友
2. He was faint with hunger, yet he dared not enter a house. (Para. 2, line 1)
A. 消失 B. 微弱的 C. 将要昏倒似的
3. “And yet I have no hope,” said the prince, “for hate will sharpen their eyes.” (Para.4, line 1)
A. 削尖 B. 锐利 C. 锋利
4. Two men came near, who were indeed seeking for the prince. (Para. 6, line 2)
A. looking for B. looking after C. looking up
5. For truly, a little spider had woven her web during the night, and stretched the gauzy curtain across the door of the cave. (Para. 9, line 2)
A. 编织 B. 杜撰 C. 打破
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
1. When did the prince escape from the enemy?
2. With whom did the prince hide?
3. Where did they hide themselves?
4. When did the enemy seek for them?
5. Who helped them out of danger?