- 艾学雅思:必备阅读词汇
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- 2020-06-25 22:56:59
阅读主题1 Animal
Part 1 那些动物——高频词汇串串记
● 它们会储存(____)食物。
● 它们能使用化学喷雾(____)迷惑(____)或者驱逐
● 它们有自己的农业方式(____),而且是可持续的(____)。比如它们会在蚁穴(____)培养(____)真菌(____)作为食物来源(____),
● 它们有先进的都市生活(____),它们的地下城市(____)有专门的房间(____)和隧道(____)。
animal/´ænɪm(ə)l/n. 动物
wildlife/´waɪl(d)laɪf/n. 动物
terrestrial/tə´restrɪəl/adj. 陆地的
ant/ænt/n. 蚂蚁
creature/´kriːtʃə/n. 生物
repel/rɪ´pel/ vt.驱逐
attacker/ə´tækə/n. 敌人
nest/ nest/n.窝
a source/sɔːs/of food 食物来源
neighboring/´neɪbərɪŋ/ ant colonies 相邻的蚁群
strain/streɪn/n. (动物、植物)品种
● 手工收集(____),这种方法可以确保(____)所有的蚂蚁来自同一种类(____)。
● 用诱饵(____)吸引(____)并聚集(____)觅食的蚂蚁(____),这种方法能够增加(____)收集的数量,因为可以抓到本可能会躲避掉的(____)物种。
● 在地面上放一些废弃物(____),这一方法适用于收集在落叶层里(____)或者土地上的废弃物(____)里找食物的小蚂蚁。
● 设陷阱(____),这个陷阱可以是任何平面涂有防腐剂(____)的小容器(____)。
ecologist/i´kɒlədʒɪst/ n. 生态学家
collect/kə´lekt/ vt. 收集
specimen/´spesɪmən/ n. 样本;标本
ensure/ɪn´ʃɔː/ vt. 确保
species/´spiːʃiːz/ n. 物种
trait/treɪt/ n. 诱饵
attract/ə´trækt/ vt. 吸引
concentrate/´kɒns(ə)ntreɪt/ vt. 聚集
forager/´fɔrɪdʒə/ n. 觅食者
forage/´fɒrɪdʒ/ vt. 搜寻;搜索
increase/ɪn´kriːs/ vt. 增加
elusive/ɪ´l(j)uːsɪv/ adj. 躲避掉的;难懂的
litter/´lɪtə/ n. 垃圾
debris/´debriː/ n. 残骸;废弃物
thelayer/´leɪə/ofleaves/liːvz/ 落叶层
pitfall/´pɪtfɔːl/ n. 陷阱
trap/træp/ n. 陷阱
pitfalltrap 陷阱诱捕
preservative/prɪ´zɜːvətɪv/ n. 防腐剂
container/kən´teɪnə/ n. 容器
● 触觉(____)还在发挥作用。证据一是训练员(____)
● 视觉(____)还在发挥作用,但不同物种之间的程度不同,有的
● 声觉(____)还在发挥作用,而且发展得非常好(____)。
aquatic/ə´kwætɪk/ adj. 水生的
cetacean/sɪ´teɪʃn/ n. 鲸类动物
tortoise/´tɔːtəs; -tɒɪz/ n. 陆地龟
turtle/´tɜːt(ə)l/ n. 海龟
comprise/kəm´praɪz/ vt. 包括
whale/weɪl/ n. 鲸鱼
dolphin/´dɒlfɪn/ n. 海豚
porpoise/´pɔːpəs/ n. 鼠海豚
sense/sens/ n. 感觉
deteriorate/dɪ´tɪərɪəreɪt/ vt. 变坏
absent/´æbs(ə)nt/ adj. 消失的
function/´fʌŋkʃ(ə)n/ vt. 发挥作用
the sense of touch/tʌtʃ/ 触觉
trainer/´treɪnə/ n. 训练员
captive/´kæptɪv/dolphin 被驯化的海豚
stroking n. 按抚
courtship/´kɔːtʃɪp/ritual/´rɪtʃʊəl/ 求偶行为
blowhole/´bləʊhəʊl/ n. 喷水孔
sensitive/´sensətɪv/ adj. 敏感的
object/əb´dʒekt/ vt. 反对
the sense of vision/´vɪʒ(ə)n/ 视觉
stereoscopic/´sterɪəʊ´skɒpɪk/vision 立体视觉
habitat/´hæbɪtæt/ n. 栖息地
inhabit/ɪn´hæbɪt/ vt. 居住;栖息
inhabitant/ɪn´hæbɪt(ə)nt/ n. 居民
clear/klɪə/open waters 清澈开放水域
turbid/´tɜːbɪd/ adj. 浑浊的
acoustic/ə´kuːstɪk/ adj. 声音的;听觉的
acoustic sense 声觉
well-developed/dɪ´veləpt/ adj. 发展得非常好的
vocal/´vəʊk(ə)l/ adj. 声音的;有声的
complicated/´kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 复杂的
complex/´kɒmpleks/ adj. 复杂的
sophisticated/sə´fɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 复杂的
communicative/kə´mjuːnɪkeɪtɪv/ adj. 有交流性的
ancient/´eɪnʃ(ə)nt/ adj. 古老的
ancient times/taɪmz/ 远古
evolve/ɪ´vɒlv/ vi./vt. 发展;进化
evolutionary/´iːvə´luːʃənəri/history 进化史
migrate/´maɪgreɪt/ vi. 迁徙
migration/maɪ´greɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 迁徙
remote/rɪ´məʊt/ adj. 遥远的
remote ancestors/´ænsestəs/ 老祖先
marine/mə´riːn/ adj. 海洋的
land/lænd/n. 陆地
generation/´dʒenə´reɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 年代
sea turtle/´tɜːt(ə)l/ 水栖海龟
desert/´dezət/ n. 沙漠
fossil/´fɒs(ə)l/ n. 化石
bone/bəʊn/ n. 骨骼
measurement/´meʒəm(ə)nt/ n. 测量
● 为什么蝙蝠要在夜里捕食(____)?
● 夜里捕食的问题是什么?
● 还有哪些动物有这个问题?
● 那么蝙蝠如何解决这个问题呢?
bat/bæt/ n. 蝙蝠
resource/rɪ´sɔːs; rɪ´zɔːs/ n. 资源
exploit/ɪk´splɒɪt/ vt. 掠夺
occupy/´ɒkjʊpaɪ/ vt. 占据
nocturnal/nɒk´tɜːn(ə)l/ adj. 夜间的
beneficial/´benɪ´fɪʃ(ə)l/ adj. 有利的
insect/´ɪnsekt/ n. 昆虫
night-flying/´faɪɪŋ/insects 夜行的昆虫
in the absence/´æbs(ə)ns/of light 在没有光的情况下
avoid/ə´vɒɪd/ vt. 避开;避免
obstacle/´ɒbstək(ə)l/ n. 障碍物
muddy/´mʌdi/ adj. 浑浊的
deep-sea fish 深海鱼
manufacture/´mænjʊ´fæktʃə/ vt. 制造;生产
in the dark/dɑːk/ 在夜间
manoeuvre/mə´nuːvə/ vt. 移动;策划;算计
consume/kən´sjuːm/ vt. 消耗
energy/´enədʒi/ n. 能量
sonar/´səʊnɑː/ n. 声呐
detect/dɪ´tekt/ vt. 探测
detection/dɪ´tekʃ(ə)n/ n. 探测
navigate/´nævɪgeɪt/ vt. 导航
navigation/´nævɪ´geɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 导航
国外的大学在期末考试前一般都会给考生发各种考试须知,考生一定要仔细查看里面的内容。须知中一般都会有延考的相关说明,基本上就是在一些不可抗因素的影响下,你无法参加考试,需要在某个截止日期之前向各种机构和教授提交情况说明。如果能得到允许,就可以在相对较晚的时间参加期末考试。但是一般情况下考试成绩即便超过HD的分数线,评级也无法给出HD。所以大家要适当衡量之后再做出决定。在做决定之前,建议考生去找一下相关课程的主要教授,一般是leading professor,而不是助理教授,向其说明情况,并且寻求建议。我有一个读MPAcc的朋友,在最后一学期最后一门课Advanced Accounting考试的前两天,所住的公寓楼起火,凌晨被赶出公寓。因为在那之前公寓楼曾经出现多次假警报,所以大家都没有在意,基本上都是穿着睡衣睡裤便跑到避难的地方,没有考虑携带任何复习书籍等。这次是真的失火了,所有学生到考试前一晚才被允许回公寓。不过,他在火灾当天上午便联系到课程的leading professor,向其说明了情况,教授在了解我这位朋友的延考理由后,结合其上课的表现,建议其参加期末考试,理由是:首先判断其可以通过考试;第二,由于我朋友之后入职需要毕业证书,而延迟考试可能会影响其拿毕业证书的时间。最后,我的朋友顺利通过考试,并且如期向公司提交了完整毕业证书和成绩单。
Part 2 学术范儿——真题中会这样考
1 真题链接 Ants store food, repel attackers and use chemical signals to contact one another in case of attack.
真题释义 蚂蚁会储存食物,会驱逐敌人,遭遇袭击时还会使用化学信号进行通讯。(剑7,Test3,S1)
2 真题链接 Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies.
真题释义 还有一点更加惊人,对真菌的 DNA 分析表明,蚂蚁通过定期与相邻的蚁群交换与分享真菌品种,对其进行促进以及改良。(剑7,Test3,P1)
3 真题链接 Such a standard would comprise agreed practices for different kinds of farming, covering agrochemical use, soil health, land management, water and energy use, food safety and animal health.
真题释义 这个标准将包含不同农业经营上的公认做法,包括农用化学品的使用、土壤健康、土地管理、水和能源的利用、食品安全和动物健康。(剑7,Test2,P2)
4 真题链接 Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for granted are either reduced or absent in cetaceans or fail to function well in water.
真题释义 一些被我们人类和其他陆地哺乳动物当作理所当然的感官,在鲸目动物身上要么功能减少,要么无法在水中起作用。(剑4,Test1,P2)
5 真题链接 Breeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in which offspring have the greatest chances of survival.
真题释义 对于像鸟类这样的动物而言,繁殖期已经进化到可以在一年中某个特定的时段进行,在这段时间中,它们的后代具有最好的生存机会。(剑5,Test4,P3)
6 真题链接 It is not easy to be systematic and objective about language study. Popular linguistic debate regularly deteriorates into invective and polemic.
真题释义 对语言进行系统的、客观的研究并不容易。语言学上的普通争论通常会恶化成谩骂和论战。(剑9,Test3,P1)
7 真题链接 For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains.
真题释义 比如说,相比生活在浑浊的河流和洪水泛滥的平原的物种而言,视觉对生活在清晰而开阔的水域中的物种明显更加有用。(剑4,Test1,P2)
8 真题链接 Throughout the first three-quarters of the 20th century, the quantity of freshwater consumed per person doubled on average; in the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled.
真题释义 20世纪前75年,人均消耗淡水量翻了一番;在美国,取水量在此期间增长了十倍,而人口却只增长了四倍。(剑7,Test1,P2)
9 真题链接 Fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the power to manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of energy.
真题释义 萤火虫和一些鱼类(通常借助细菌的帮助)有能力制造它们自己的光源,但是这个过程似乎要消耗大量的能量。(剑7,Test1,P1)
10 真题链接 Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as ‘ weeds’, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.
真题释义 蚂蚁会分泌抗生素来控制其他的真菌,就像农民控制杂草一样,并且它们会用排泄物为庄稼施肥。(剑7,Test3,P1)
11 真题链接 Originally these were conceived as short stories,early producers doubted the ability of audiences to concentrate for more than the length of a reel.
真题释义 最初,这些电影只是被看作短篇故事,早期电影制作人怀疑观众的注意力能否持续集中超过一卷胶卷的时间长度。(6,Test3,P1)
12 真题链接 Research conducted at Oxford, Sussex and Zürich Universities has shown that when desert ants return from a foraging trip, they navigate by integrating bearings and distances, which they continuously update in their heads.
真题释义 牛津大学、苏塞克斯大学和苏黎世大学的研究证实,当荒漠蚂蚁觅食之后返回时,它们会将自身方位和距离相结合来确定方向,并且这些信息在它们的头脑中是不断更新的。(剑7,Test3,P1)
13 真题链接 Most species are highly vocal, although they vary in the range of sounds they produce, and many forage for food using echolo-cation.
真题释义 大多数鲸目动物都具有很好的发声能力,即便它们发出声音的范围不同,并且许多鲸目动物依靠回声定位的方式搜寻食物。(剑4,Test1,P2)
14 真题链接 Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship.
真题释义 在这被发现之前,工程师已经开发了许多设备去利用这个原理,比如说测量船底以下海水深度的装置。(剑7,Test1,P1)
15 真题链接 Periodic check-ups of the child’s educational and sensory development (hearing and vision) were made to detect possible handicaps that interfere with growth and development.
真题释义 (他们)对孩子教育进展及感官(听觉和视觉)发展进行定期检查,以检查出生理上和智力上的缺陷。(剑5,Test3,P1)
雅思阅读考试的核心是“同义替换”,也就是文章中说了一个意思,题目中换了一种说法,表达的是同样的意思。同义替换一般分为三种形式:第一种是同义词的替换,比如文章中说两者之间有connection,题目说两者之间的link,那么只要知道connection 和 link 都表示“联系”的意思,就可以马上选对答案,这种同义替换比较常见,复习的过程中要特别注意积累考点的同义替换词。第二种是词性的替换,比如文章中说某个事物popular的原因是……,选项说它enjoys high popularity的原因是……,这种比较简单、好识别,但并不常考。第三种是说法的替换,比如文章中说 the demand for electricity is relatively low,题目说 less than peak demand for electricity。两者虽然表述不同,但意思一致。所以大家在复习的过程中要注意积累同义替换的词语和表达,这样在雅思阅读考试中可以起到事半功倍的作用。本书附录提供了雅思高频必备同义替换,大家可以先翻开看看,每天记1~2个lists。
Part 3 看张图——你学会了吗
Part 4 主题背景词
From “The Extinction of Dinosaurs”
dinosaur n. 恐龙intractable adj. 难处理的
mass extinction 大量消亡reconstruction n. 重建
paleontology n. 古生物学causation n. 原因
paleontolologist n. 古生物学者reptile n. 爬行类动物
geochemistry n. 地球化学cephalopod n. 头足类动物
anthrophysics n. 天体物理学mammal n. 哺乳动物
ecology n. 生态学fern n. 蕨类植物
Cretaceous n./adj. 白垩纪(的)terrestrial adj. 陆地的
Tertiary period 第三纪cessation n. 停止
Cenozoic era 新生代origination n. 发源
Mesozoic era 中生代asteroid n. 小行星
Paleozoic n./adj. 古生代(的)meteorite n. 陨星
hypothesis n. 假设comet n. 彗星
catastrophe n. 灾难dust n. 灰尘
cataclysm n. 灾难,大洪水
From “The Koala”
koala n. 考拉monotreme n. 单孔目动物
kangaroo n. 袋鼠palm n. 棕榈树;手掌
ringtail n. 浣熊forelimb n. 前肢
tree-dwelling adj. 树栖的abdomen n. 腹部
arboreal adj. 生活在树上的;树木的incisor n. 门牙
habitat n. 栖息地fur n. 毛皮
fussy eater 挑食者cub n. 幼兽
herbivorous adj. 食草的joey n. 幼袋鼠;幼兽
leaf-eating animal 以树叶为食的动物breeding season 繁殖期;产卵季节
plant-eating adj. 食草的inbreeding n. 同系繁殖;近亲交配
vegetation n. 植物(总称)bushfire n. 森林大火
eucalyptus n. 桉树bushland n. 原始森林地带
fiber-digesting organ 可消化纤维的器官incidence of sickness 疾病发病率
digestive system 消化系统pesticide n. 杀虫剂
fibrous adj. 含纤维的python n. 蟒蛇
marsupial n./adj. 有袋动物(的)slaughter vt. 屠杀
pouch n. 育儿袋shelter n. 保护;庇护所
From “The Harvest Season”
salmon n. 鲑鱼estuary n. 港湾;河口
rainbow trout 虹鳟鱼El Nino 厄尔尼诺
sardine n. 沙丁鱼climate phenomenon 气候现象
sockeye n. 红大马哈鱼greenhouse effect 温室效应
alevin n. 幼鱼temperature increase 温度上升
smolt n. 幼鲑genetic adj. 遗传的
fry n. 鱼苗headwater n. 上游源头
salmon protection and restoration
marine adj. 海洋的;海产的
salmon stock 鲑鱼存量oceanographer n. 海洋学家
angler n. 垂钓者nourish vt. 滋养
barge n. 驳船olfactory adj. 嗅觉的
capture n./vt. 捕获salvation n. 拯救
aquaculture n. 水产养殖siltation n. 淤塞
egg sac 卵囊offspring n. 子女;后代
spawn vi. 产卵aboriginal adj. 土著的;原始的
hatchery n. 孵卵处;孵化场indigenous adj. 本土的
degraded spawning area
diversity n. 多样性
commercial fishery 商业捕鱼业
From “Insects”
insect n. 昆虫anterior adj. 位于前面的
caterpillar n. 毛虫appendage n. 附加物;附属物
moth n. 蛾imaginal adj. 成虫的
horsefly n. 马蝇larval adj. 幼虫的
drosophila n. 果蝇cuticula n. 角质层;(昆虫等的)表皮
entomologist n. 昆虫学家notum n. 背板(昆虫的背片)
biomechanics n. 生物力学propeller n. 螺旋桨;推进器
crustacean n./adj. 甲壳纲动物(的)skeleton n. 骨骼;骨架
dipteran n./adj. 双翅目昆虫(的)joint n. 关节
apterous adj. 无翅的winglike adj. 翼状的
dorsal adj. 背的;背侧的wingspan n. 翼展
flap n. 拍打aeronautical engineer 航空工程师
analogous adj. 类似的;相似的
From “Bee Colony”
bee colony 蜂群flowering plant 开花植物
honeycomb n. 蜂巢pollen n. 花粉
beehive n. 蜂箱honey production 产蜜
domicile n. 住所;住宅propolis n. 蜂胶
homesite n. 住所pupa n. 蛹
beekeeper n. 养蜂人royal jelly 蜂王浆
apiculture n. 养蜂业evolution n. 发展;演化
beewax n. 蜂蜡intruder n. 入侵者
drone bee 雄蜂architectural miracle 建筑奇迹
hornet n. 大黄蜂cylinder n. 圆柱体
scout bee 侦查蜂prism n. 棱柱体
worker bee 工蜂geometry n. 几何学
queen bee 蜂王triangle n. 三角形
swarm n. 蜂群pentagonal adj. 五边形的
ovary n. 卵巢;(植物)子房 hexagonal structure 六角形结构
reproductive organ 生殖器官octagonal adj. 八边形的
leopard n. 豹hedgehog n. 刺猬
zebra n. 斑马eagle n. 鹰
antelope n. 羚羊falcon n. 隼
buffalo n. 水牛vulture n. 秃鹫
calf n. 小牛turkey n. 火鸡
rhinoceros n. 犀牛ostrich n. 鸵鸟
ape n. 猿seagull n. 海鸥
baboon n. 狒狒parrot n. 鹦鹉
chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩pigeon n. 鸽子
gorilla n. 大猩猩crow n. 乌鸦
macaque n. 猕猴raven n. 渡鸦
canary n. 金丝雀lobster n.
turtle n. 海龟prawn n. 对虾
crocodile n. 鳄鱼scorpion n. 蝎子
alligator n. 鳄鱼centipede n. 蜈蚣
chameleon n. 变色龙worm n. 蠕虫
lizard n. 蜥蜴caterpillar n. 毛虫
python n. 大蟒dragonfly n. 蜻蜓
rattlesnake n. 响尾蛇butterfly n. 蝴蝶
octopus n. 章鱼cicada n. 蝉
cuttlefish n. 墨鱼,乌贼
primate n. 灵长类动物deduce vt. 推论;演绎
invertebrate n. 无脊椎动物distinguish vt. 区分
livestock n. 家畜;牲畜variation n. 变异;变化
poultry n. 家禽navigation n. 航行
mate n. 配偶navigator n. 航行者
reproduce vi. 繁殖animal migration 动物迁徙
mimic vt. 模仿migratory animal 迁徙动物
personality n. 个性sparrow n. 麻雀
emotion n. 情感flying capacity 飞行能力
domestication n. 驯养;驯服orientation n. 方向
external stimulus 外部刺激detect vt. 探测
hybrid n. 杂种;混血儿compass n. 指南针
inheritance n. 遗传;遗产cruising speed 航速
innate adj. 天生的instinct n. 本能
organism n. 生物;有机体antibiotic adj. 抗生的;n. 抗生素
predator n. 掠夺者epinephrine n. 肾上腺素
alphabet n. 字母表hypotension n. 低血压
arbitrary adj. 任意的diagnose vt. 诊断
cognition n. 认识能力
Part 5 词义练习——反复练习才有效
(1) sustainable (a) to plant and take care of a particular crop
(2) cultivate (b) able to continue without causing damage to the environment
(3) strain (c) relating to land as opposed to the sea or air
(4) terrestrial (d) to go around searching for food or other supplies
(5) trap (e) the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident
(6) forage (f) difficult to find, describe, remember or achieve
(7) domesticate (g) a type of animal, plant, or disease
(8) absent (h) to live in a place
(9) inhabit (i) a piece of equipment for catching animals
(10) turbid (j) something such as a box or bowl that you use to keep things in
(11) elusive (k) to become worse
(12) debris (l) relating to sound and the way people hear things
(13) container (m) to make an animal able to work for people or live with them as a pet
(14) deteriorate (n) to go away or leave
(15) acoustic (o) dirty and muddy
(1) Ants store food, repel attackers and use chemical signals to contact one another in case of attack.
(2) Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies.
(3) Such a standard would comprise agreed practices for different kinds of farming, covering agrochemical use, soil health, land management, water and energy use, food safety and animal health.
(4) Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for granted are either reduced or absent in cetaceans or fail to function well in water.
(5) Breeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in which offspring have the greatest chances of survival.
(6) It is not easy to be systematic and objective about language study. Popular linguistic debate regularly deteriorates into invective and polemic.
(7) For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains.
(8) Throughout the first three-quarters of the 20th century, the quantity of freshwater consumed per person doubled on average; in the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled.
(9) Fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the power to manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of energy.
(10) Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as ‘weeds’, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.
(11) Originally these were conceived as short stories,early producers doubted the ability of audiences to concentrate for more than the length of a reel.
(12) Research conducted at Oxford, Sussex and Zürich Universities has shown that when desert ants return from a foraging trip, they navigate by integrating bearings and distances, which they continuously update in their heads.
(13) Most species are highly vocal, although they vary in the range of sounds they produce, and many forage for food using echolo-cation.
(14) Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship.
(15) Periodic check-ups of the child’s educational and sensory development (hearing and vision) were made to detect possible handicaps that interfere with growth and development.