- Zanoni
- Edward Bulwer Lytton
- 2541字
- 2016-03-03 11:04:45
Le lendemain, 8 Thermidor, Robespierre se decida a prononcer son fameux discours.
Thiers, "Hist.de la Revolution."
(The next day, 8th Thermidor, Robespierre resolved to deliver his celebrated discourse.)The morning rose,--the 8th of Thermidor (July 26).Robespierre has gone to the Convention.He has gone with his laboured speech; he has gone with his phrases of philanthropy and virtue;he has gone to single out his prey.All his agents are prepared for his reception; the fierce St.Just has arrived from the armies to second his courage and inflame his wrath.His ominous apparition prepares the audience for the crisis."Citizens!"screeched the shrill voice of Robespierre "others have placed before you flattering pictures; I come to announce to you useful truths.
And they attribute to me,--to me alone!--whatever of harsh or evil is committed: it is Robespierre who wishes it; it is Robespierre who ordains it.Is there a new tax?--it is Robespierre who ruins you.They call me tyrant!--and why?
Because I have acquired some influence; but how?--in speaking truth; and who pretends that truth is to be without force in the mouths of the Representatives of the French people? Doubtless, truth has its power, its rage, its despotism, its accents, touching, terrible, which resound in the pure heart as in the guilty conscience; and which Falsehood can no more imitate than Salmoneus could forge the thunderbolts of Heaven.What am I whom they accuse? A slave of liberty,--a living martyr of the Republic; the victim as the enemy of crime! All ruffianism affronts me, and actions legitimate in others are crimes in me.
It is enough to know me to be calumniated.It is in my very zeal that they discover my guilt.Take from me my conscience, and Ishould be the most miserable of men!"
He paused; and Couthon wiped his eyes, and St.Just murmured applause as with stern looks he gazed on the rebellious Mountain;and there was a dead, mournful, and chilling silence through the audience.The touching sentiment woke no echo.
The orator cast his eyes around.Ho! he will soon arouse that apathy.He proceeds, he praises, he pities himself no more.He denounces,--he accuses.Overflooded with his venom, he vomits it forth on all.At home, abroad, finances, war,--on all! Shriller and sharper rose his voice,--"A conspiracy exists against the public liberty.It owes its strength to a criminal coalition in the very bosom of the Convention; it has accomplices in the bosom of the Committee of Public Safety...What is the remedy to this evil? To punish the traitors; to purify this committee; to crush all factions by the weight of the National Authority; to raise upon their ruins the power of Liberty and Justice.Such are the principles of that Reform.Must I be ambitious to profess them?--then the principles are proscribed, and Tyranny reigns amongst us! For what can you object to a man who is in the right, and has at least this knowledge,--he knows how to die for his native land!
I am made to combat crime, and not to govern it.The time, alas!