BATH,December 13,1762.

MY DEAR FRIEND:I received your letter this morning,with the inclosed preliminaries,which we have had here these three days;and I return them,since you intend to keep them,which is more than I believe the French will.I am very glad to find that the French are to restore all the conquests they made upon us in the East Indies during this war;and Icannot doubt but they will likewise restore to us all the cod that they shall take within less than three leagues of our coasts in North America (a distance easily measured,especially at sea),according to the spirit,though not the letter of the treaty.I am informed that the strong opposition to the peace will be in the House of Lords,though I cannot well conceive it;nor can I make out above six or seven,who will be against it upon a division,unless (which I cannot suppose)some of the Bishops should vote on the side of their maker.God bless you.