
quietly] So the 8vo.--The 4to "quickely."

friends] So the 4to.--The 8vo "friend."

you] So the 4to.--The 8vo "thou."

pioners] See note ||, p.20.

in] So the 8vo.--The 4to "to."

argins] See note ?, p.55.

quietly] So the 8vo.--The 4to "quickely."

Were you, that are the friends of Tamburlaine] So the 8vo.

--The 4to "Were ALL you that are friends of Tamburlaine."

of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "to."

all convoys that can] i.e.(I believe) all convoys (conveyances) that can be cut off.The modern editors alter "can" to "come."

I am] So the 8vo.--The 4to "am I."

into] So the 8vo.--The 4to "vnto."

hold] So the 4to.--The 8vo "holdS."

straineth] So the 4to.--The 8vo "staineth."

home] So the 8vo.--The 4to "haue."

wert] So the 8vo.--The 4to "art."

join'd] So the 4to.--The 8vo "inioin'd."

of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "in."

the] Added perhaps by a mistake of the transcriber or printer.

and] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."

Renowmed] See note ||, p.11.So the 8vo.--The 4to "Renowned."

emperor, mighty] So the 8vo.--The 4to "emperour, AND mightie."

the] So the 4to.--The 8vo "this."

your] So the 8vo.--The 4to "our."

term'd] Old eds."terme."

the] So the 4to.--Omitted in the 8vo.

your] So the 8vo.--The 4to "our."

brandishing their] So the 4to.--The 8vo "brandishing IN their."

with] So the 4to.--Omitted in the 8vo.

shew'd your] So the 8vo.--The 4to "shewed TO your."

Sorians] See note ?, p.44.

repair'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "prepar'd."

And neighbour cities of your highness' land] So the 8vo.--

Omitted in the 4to.

he] i.e.Death.So the 8vo.--The 4to "it."

is] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."

harness'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "harnesse."

on] So the 4to.--The 8vo "with" (the compositor having caught the word from the preceding line).

thou shalt] So the 8vo.--The 4to "shalt thou."

the] So the 8vo.--The 4to "our."

and rent] So the 8vo.--The 4to "or rend."

Go to, sirrah] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Goe sirrha."

give arms] An heraldic expression, meaning--shew armorial bearings (used, of course, with a quibble).

No] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Go."

bugs] i.e.bugbears, objects to strike you with terror.

rout] i.e.crew, rabble.

as the foolish king of Persia did] See p.16, first col.