Learning Robotics using Python
更新时间:2021-06-25 21:04:43
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Getting Started with Robot Operating System
Technical requirements
Introduction to ROS
ROS concepts
The ROS filesystem
The ROS Computation Graph
The ROS community level
Installing ROS on Ubuntu
Introducing catkin
Creating a ROS package
Introducing Gazebo
Installing Gazebo
Testing Gazebo with the ROS interface
Understanding the Basics of Differential Robots
Mathematical modeling of the robot
Introduction to the differential drive system and robot kinematics
Forward kinematics of a differential robot
Explanations of the forward kinematics equation
Inverse kinematics
Further information
Modeling the Differential Drive Robot
Technical requirements
Requirements of a service robot
Robot drive mechanism
Selection of motors and wheels
Calculation of RPM of motors
Calculation of motor torque
The design summary
The robot chassis design
Installing LibreCAD Blender and MeshLab
Installing LibreCAD
Installing Blender
Installing MeshLab
Creating 2D CAD drawing of a robot using LibreCAD
The base plate designs
Base plate pole design
Wheel motor and motor clamp design
Caster wheel design
Middle plate design
Top plate design
Working with a 3D model of the robot using Blender
Python scripting in Blender
Introduction to Blender Python APIs
Python script of the robot model
Creating a URDF model of the robot
Creating a Chefbot description ROS package
Further reading
Simulating a Differential Drive Robot Using ROS
Technical requirements
Getting started with the Gazebo simulator
The Gazebo's graphical user interface
The Scene
The Left Panel
Right Panel
Gazebo toolbars
Upper toolbar
Bottom toolbar
Working with a TurtleBot 2 simulation
Moving the robot
Creating a simulation of Chefbot
Depth image to laser scan conversion
URDF tags and plugins for Gazebo simulation
Cliff sensor plugin
Contact sensor plugin
Gyroscope plugin
Differential drive plugin
Depth camera plugin
Visualizing the robot sensor data
Getting started with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Implementing SLAM in the Gazebo environment
Creating a map using SLAM
Getting started with Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
Implementing AMCL in the Gazebo environment
Autonomous navigation of Chefbot in the hotel using Gazebo
Further reading
Designing ChefBot Hardware and Circuits
Technical requirements
Specifications of the ChefBot's hardware
Block diagram of the robot
Motor and encoder
Selecting motors encoders and wheels for the robot
Motor driver
Selecting a motor driver/controller
Input pins
Output pins
Power supply pins
Embedded controller board
Ultrasonic sensors
Selecting an ultrasonic sensor
Inertial measurement unit
Kinect/Orbbec Astra
Central processing unit
Power supply/battery
How ChefBot’s hardware works’?
Further reading
Interfacing Actuators and Sensors to the Robot Controller
Technical requirements
Interfacing DC geared motor to Tiva C LaunchPad
Differential wheeled robot
Installing Energia IDE
Motor interfacing code
Interfacing quadrature encoder with Tiva C Launchpad
Processing encoder data
Quadrature encoder interfacing code
Working with Dynamixel actuators
Working with ultrasonic distance sensors
Interfacing HC-SR04 to Tiva C LaunchPad
Working of HC-SR04
Interfacing Code of Tiva C Launchpad
Interfacing Tiva C LaunchPad with Python
Working with the IR proximity sensor
Working with Inertial Measurement Units
Inertial navigation
Interfacing MPU 6050 with Tiva C LaunchPad
Setting the MPU 6050 library in Energia
Interfacing code of Energia
Further reading
Interfacing Vision Sensors with ROS
Technical requirements
List of robotic vision sensors and image libraries
Logitech C920 webcam
Kinect 360
Intel RealSense D400 series
Orbbec Astra depth sensor
Introduction to OpenCV OpenNI and PCL
What is OpenCV?
Installation of OpenCV from the source code in Ubuntu
Reading and displaying an image using the Python-OpenCV interface
Capturing from the web camera
What is OpenNI?
Installing OpenNI in Ubuntu
What is PCL?
Programming Kinect with Python using ROS OpenCV and OpenNI
How to launch the OpenNI driver
The ROS interface with OpenCV
Creating a ROS package with OpenCV support
Displaying Kinect images using Python ROS and cv_bridge
Interfacing Orbbec Astra with ROS
Installing the Astra–ROS driver
Working with point clouds using Kinect ROS OpenNI and PCL
Opening the device and generating a point cloud
Conversion of point cloud data to laser scan data
Working with SLAM using ROS and Kinect
Further reading
Building ChefBot Hardware and the Integration of Software
Technical requirements
Building ChefBot hardware
Configuring ChefBot PC and setting ChefBot ROS packages
Interfacing ChefBot sensors to the Tiva-C LaunchPad
Embedded code for ChefBot
Writing a ROS Python driver for ChefBot
Understanding ChefBot ROS launch files
Working with ChefBot Python nodes and launch files
Working with SLAM on ROS to build a map of the room
Working with ROS localization and navigation
Further reading
Designing a GUI for a Robot Using Qt and Python
Technical requirements
Installing Qt on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Working with Python bindings of Qt
Installing PyQt in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Installing PySide on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Working with PyQt and PySide
Introducing Qt Designer
Qt signals and slots
Converting a UI file into Python code
Adding a slot definition to PyQt code
Operation of the Hello World GUI application
Working with ChefBot's control GUI
Installing and working with rqt in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Further reading
Chapter 1 Getting Started with the Robot Operating System
Chapter 2 Understanding the Basics of Differential Robots
Chapter 3 Modeling the Differential Drive Robot
Chapter 4 Simulating a Differential Drive Robot Using ROS
Chapter 5 Designing ChefBot Hardware and Circuits
Chapter 6 Interfacing Actuators and Sensors to the Robot Controller
Chapter 7 Interfacing Vision Sensors with ROS
Chapter 8 Building ChefBot Hardware and Integration of Software
Chapter 9 Designing a GUI for a Robot Using Qt and Python
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更新时间:2021-06-25 21:04:43