Chinese Idioms and Their Stories(中国成语故事)
张慈贇著 李超全绘更新时间:2021-02-20 14:26:30
最新章节:纵虎归山 (zòng hǔ guī shān) Setting the Tiger Free封面
按图索骥 (àn tú suǒ jì) A Winged Steed
百步穿杨 (bǎi bù chuān yáng) Shooting a Willow Leaf
班门弄斧 (bān mén nòng fǔ) Respecting Rank
别开生面 (bié kāi shēng miàn) Drawing New Faces
兵不厌诈 (bīng bú yàn zhà) Nothing is Too Deceitful in War
博士买驴 (bó shì mǎi lǘ) A Donkey Receipt
跛鳖千里 (bǒ biē qiān lǐ) A Lame Tortoise Triumphs at Last
沧海桑田 (cāng hǎi sāng tián) Forever Changing
城门失火 (chéng mén shī huǒ) City Gate on Fire
重蹈覆辙 (chóng dǎo fù zhé) Following the Track
唇亡齿寒 (chún wáng chǐ hán) Lips and Teeth
从善如流 (cóng shàn rú liú) Following Good Advice
得陇望蜀 (dé lǒng wàng shǔ) Insatiable Desire
东施效颦 (dōng shī xiào pín) Imitating Beauty
对牛弹琴 (duì niú tán qín) Lute Before Cattle
釜底抽薪 (fǔ dǐ chōu xīn) Removing Burning Firewood
覆水难收 (fù shuǐ nán shōu) Spilt Water Lost
高山流水 (gāo shān liú shuǐ) Finding Source of Inspiration
狗尾续貂 (gǒu wěi xù diāo) Wagging the Dog
邯郸学步 (hán dān xué bù) Learning to Walk
画虎类犬 (huà hǔ lèi quǎn) Be Tiger or Dog
画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng) Eyes of the Dragon
画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú) The Feet Too Far
鸡犬升天 (jī quǎn shēng tiān) Relative Power
狡兔三窟 (jiǎo tù sān kū) The Wily Hare
金城汤池 (jīn chéng tāng chí) Fortress Tactics
锦囊妙计 (jǐn náng miào jì) A Pouch of Ploys
近水楼台 (jìn shuǐ lóu tái) Waterfront Towers
举棋不定 (jǔ qí bú dìng) Two Minds’ Folly
刻舟求剑 (kè zhōu qiú jiàn) A Lost Sword
困兽犹斗 (kùn shòu yóu dòu) Like a Cornered Animal
滥竽充数 (làn yú chōng shù) Playing Off-key
老马识途 (lǎo mǎ shí tú) Trust an Old Horse
老生常谈 (lǎo shēng cháng tán) A Mere Platitude
乐不思蜀 (lè bù sī shǔ) Forgetting One’s Home
梁上君子 (liáng shàng jūn zǐ) Gentleman on the Beam
两袖清风 (liǎng xiù qīng fēng) Clean Hands
鹿死谁手 (lù sǐ shéi shǒu) Who Will Take the Deer?
洛阳纸贵 (luò yáng zhǐ guì) Paper Price Soars
满城风雨 (mǎn chéng fēng yǔ) Tempest in a Line
毛遂自荐 (máo suì zì jiàn) Promote Yourself in Due Modesty
门庭若市 (mén tíng ruò shì) Crowded Courtyard
模棱两可 (mó léng liǎng kě) Pleasing Both Sides the Best Way to Survive
鸟尽弓藏 (niǎo jìn gōng cáng) When Birds Are Gone
抛砖引玉 (pāo zhuān yǐn yù) Ploys to Collect Gems
破釜沉舟 (pò fǔ chén zhōu) The No-way-out Order
旗鼓相当 (qí gǔ xiāng dāng) A Match of Flags and Drums
骑虎难下 (qí hǔ nán xià) Plight of Riding a Tiger
歧路亡羊 (qí lù wáng yáng) Pick a Path and Stay on Course
杞人忧天 (qǐ rén yōu tiān) Easing Anxious States
千万买邻 (qiān wàn mǎi lín) True Value of Neighbors
黔驴技穷 (qián lǘ jì qióng) The Guizhou Donkey
强弩之末 (qiáng nǔ zhī mò) A Powerful Crossbow
青云直上 (qīng yún zhí shàng) Meteoric Rise in Rank
请君入瓮 (qǐng jūn rù wèng) Torture by Own Design
罄竹难书 (qìng zhú nán shū) Not Enough Bamboo
人杰地灵 (rén jié dì líng) Inspiring Greatness
塞翁失马 (sài wēng shī mǎ) Relativity of Hidden Values
三顾茅庐 (sān gù máo lú) Three Calls at the Thatched Cottage
三人成虎 (sān rén chéng hǔ) Lies Turning into Truths
死灰复燃 (sǐ huī fù rán) Dying Ashes Flare up
四面楚歌 (sì miàn chǔ gē) Mournful Songs
守口如瓶 (shǒu kǒu rú píng) Tight-lipped Counsel
守株待兔 (shǒu zhū dài tù) Hare-brained
水滴石穿 (shuǐ dī shí chuān) Art of Water Torture
水深火热 (shuǐ shēn huǒ rè) Water or Fire Option
太公钓鱼 (tài gōng diào yú) Fishing Hookless
贪生怕死 (tān shēng pà sǐ) Imperial Indulgences
螳臂当车 (táng bì dāng chē) The Praying Mantis
螳螂捕蝉 (táng láng bǔ chán) Wasted Warnings
天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng) Dragnet of Deception
天衣无缝 (tiān yī wú fèng) The Heavenly Dress
铁杵成针 (tiě chǔ chéng zhēn) Li Needled into Action
投鼠忌器 (tóu shǔ jì qì) Spare a Rat for a Vase
完璧归赵 (wán bì guī zhào) Defending the Stone
玩物丧志 (wán wù sàng zhì) Folly of the Senses
亡羊补牢 (wáng yáng bǔ láo) Never Too Late to Fix
望梅止渴 (wàng méi zhǐ kě) The Power of Illusions
危如累卵 (wēi rú lěi luǎn) An Eggy Tale of Risk
味如鸡肋 (wèi rú jī lèi) Chicken Ribs Maneuver
未雨绸缪 (wèi yǔ chóu móu) Duke’s Poetic Advice
卧薪尝胆 (wò xīn cháng dǎn) Biding Time for Revenge
物以类聚 (wù yǐ lèi jù) Birds of a Feather
相煎太急 (xiāng jiān tài jí) From Brotherly Beans
胸有成竹 (xiōng yǒu chéng zhú) Life Lesson from Artist
悬梁刺股 (xuán liáng cì gǔ) Studies Can Be Painful
掩耳盗铃 (yǎn ěr dào líng) Stealing a Bell
叶公好龙 (yè gōng hào lóng) A Dragon Passion
一鸣惊人 (yī míng jīng rén) The First Sweet Song
一诺千金 (yī nuò qiān jīn) Worth Weight in Gold
一丘之貉 (yī qiū zhī hé) Outspoken to Death
一叶障目 (yī yè zhàng mù) Leaf of Sad Illusion
饮鸩止渴 (yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě) Poisoned Wine Relief
游刃有余 (yóu rèn yǒu yú) Master of His Cleaver
愚公移山 (yú gōng yí shān) Moving Mountains
鹬蚌相争 (yù bàng xiāng zhēng) Third Party Thinking
越俎代庖 (yuè zǔ dài páo) Stay out of the Kitchen
自相矛盾 (zì xiāng máo dùn) Spear and Shield
朝三暮四 (zhāo sān mù sì) Monkeying Around
纵虎归山 (zòng hǔ guī shān) Setting the Tiger Free
更新时间:2021-02-20 14:26:30